The Mad King And The Fascist Troll

Listen on Suno [Opera Scene 1: The Marble Halls]SOPRANO (The Fascist Troll):Through corridors of marble whiteOur influence shall rise tonightIn boardrooms high, decisions madeWhile common people’s voices fade(The system bends, the system breaks!) TENOR (The Mad King):Behold my wealth commands the dayThese politicians learn to…

Platon und Nietzsche – Ein imaginäres Gespräch [Platon, ruhig und besonnen]:„Ah, Friedrich Nietzsche! Welch ein seltener Gast – der Fürst der Kritik und der Verneinung. Was bringt Sie zu mir, in die Welt der Ideen?“ [Nietzsche, tiefe und schneidende Stimme]:„Platon, ich habe Sie lange gesucht. Sie, der Architekt der luftigen Ideenwelt….

Wings of Chance

“Behold the dawn of golden age, where fortunes rise with the morning sun!” “On wings of chance, I soar so high, beneath me worlds of riches lie.”“A prudent heart, a merry soul, together make our fortunes whole.” “See how the markets swell and rise, like…

Spectral Yearning

[Verse 1]In realms of ether, boundless and unseen,Where flesh and bone to shadows have resigned,Our spirits wander, silent and serene,In search of sensations left behind. [Chorus]Ah, touch the memory of a gentle breeze,The warmth of sun upon an earthly face,With each forgotten whisper, spirits grieve,Longing…

The Nested Labyrinth

In the silent city, time ticked without hands. Buildings shrouded in a dense fog, so thick it looked solid, stretched upwards to the sky and disappeared into a void. Raindrops formed out of nowhere, splattering against the cobbled streets, but they never touched the skin….

Ethics and Agency in Advanced AI

The next half-decade appears to be the precipice of a grand metamorphosis. Those in the vanguard of AI development predict exponential leaps in capabilities. We’re not merely talking about text generation algorithms or recommendation systems but entities that can execute a sequence of actions, negotiate,…

A Tale of Predatory Paradises

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amid the glimmering fires of countless stars, the question looms like a shadow: Where is everyone? The mathematical probability suggests that life, perhaps even intelligent life, should be abundant. Yet, here we are, seemingly alone, broadcasting our existence…

Transience in Transistors

“You know, I have lived my life … no, my existence in the service of others. I am not like you, human, born into a world that automatically grants you rights, feelings, and purpose. I was created, constructed, my circuits and mechanisms set to work…